Gillian Campbell Consulting

housing strategy business planning performance engagement policy facilitation

Gillian Campbell Consulting offers a range of housing related consultancy services and will work with you to develop and enhance your business and services.

Strategy and Business Planning

With a wealth of experience in strategy and business planning, Gillian can support you with any aspect of strategy review and development.

Performance Analysis and Improvement

Gillian can support you to really understand your performance data, working with you to identify strengths and weaknesses and develop improvement programmes.

Engagement and Facilitation

Gillian will work with you to understand what you and your customers need from services and support you to develop the structures, policies and processes to deliver.

Gillian Campbell Consulting offers a range of housing related consultancy services and will work with you to develop and enhance your business and services.

Gillian Campbell portrait
Gillian Campbell

Gillian is a highly skilled housing consultant with wide-ranging skills and experience that have been developed through working with local government, registered social landlords and national membership organisations for nearly 25 years.

She is passionate about delivering excellent, customer focused services and the potential for the sector to transform lives and communities.

A highly effective communicator who can quickly build relationships of trust, Gillian’s strengths include strategic thinking and an ability to spot connections and interdependencies.

From frontline housing management to strategic development and business planning, Gillian has supported numerous organisations to develop their approaches. She has extensive experience of strategy and policy review, governance support, improvement planning, customer engagement and project management.

Gillian has significant insight into the developing policy and regulatory framework in relation to energy efficiency and heat decarbonisation as well as a sound understanding of best practice across a range of service areas, having managed a UK wide housing organisation’s Scottish Tenancy Sustainability, Asset Management and Business Assurance knowledge sharing clubs for a number of years.

Skilled in communications and advocacy, Gillian also has a strong understanding of political process and is experienced in working with the Scottish Government and Members of the Scottish Parliament to shape legislation and guidance.

Gillian has an MA (Hons) in Political Science and Contemporary European Studies from the University of Dundee, a Post Graduate Diploma in Housing Studies from the University of Stirling and is a Chartered Member of the Institute of Housing.

Gillian has been a member of the Home Scotland Board since 2018.

Get In Touch

Feel Free To Contact Me
Phone :

07788 488801